Running on Goerli

If you are running provers for rollups based on Goerli, please follow this guide.

Preparing Goerli ETH

To running on Goerli, you must guarantee your operator account (who send proofs and gain rewards) has enough Goerli ETH to pay gas fee. There are many ways to collect Goerli ETH. This doc guides you to swap Goerli ETHs with IDE.

  1. Apply some IDEs from Opside Discord Faucet

  2. Go to SideSwap, connect your wallet and switch network to Opside Alpha Testnet. Then swap some WETHs with your IDE

  3. Once you received WETH, bridge both WETH and enough IDE (for staking) them from Opside Test to Goerli Testnet via Opside Bridge

Preparing Stable Goerli RPC Endpoint

Before setting up your zkSync Era external node, you should prepare a stable goerli testnet RPC endpoint.

You can build up your own Goerli node, or refer to RPC services like Infura and Alchemy.

Your RPC URL is required in the process of setting up provers

Last updated