Solución de problemas

Asegúrate de haber configurado tus puertos de la siguiente manera:

Configuración de puertos

1. Error de inicio del validador

level=warning msg="Could not determine if beacon chain started" error="could not receive ChainStart from stream: could not setup beacon chain ChainStart streaming client: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = connection closed: could not connect: could not connect" prefix=validator
time="2023-05-27 13:27:44" level=info msg="Syncing with beacon node to align on chain genesis info" prefix=validator

Paso 1: Modifica el puerto:

cd testnet-auto-install-v2/opside-chain/prysm/beaconChain

//modify --rpc-port=4000 to --rpc-port=4001,it's better use command lsof-i:4001 to check if the 4001 is using,if yes, try 4002,until the result is no!

vi opside-chain/prysm/validator/

//modify --beacon-rpc-provider 4000 to --beacon-rpc-provider 4001

Paso 2: Reinicia Beacon-chain

Last updated