Why Compute Node

Lumoz, a cutting-edge modular computing protocol, is dedicated to providing robust zero-knowledge (ZK) computing power to projects in fields like Rollups and artificial intelligence (AI).

ZK technology offers significant advantages in reducing data storage and verification costs. However, the current market is plagued by the issue of centralized ZK computing services. When centralized compute nodes experience failures, attacks, or shutdowns, the entire network can be severely impacted. Moreover, these centralized control nodes may prioritize their own interests by selectively generating proofs or deliberately delaying their creation. This not only harms the rights of network users but also restricts participation to a few well-resourced entities due to the high-performance hardware and specialized skills required for ZK computation, leaving out regular users and decentralized nodes.

By optimizing ZK computing algorithms, Lumoz significantly lowers the barriers to entry, allowing regular users to easily join the Lumoz ZK computing network.

As a zkProver in Lumoz, participants can contribute decentralized computing power to the network while earning Lumoz protocol tokens as rewards. This not only incentivizes broader community involvement but also ensures the stability and transparency of the network.

Lumoz invites individuals and entities with GPUs to join the protocol and help drive the decentralization of ZK computing.

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