
MOZ Token: The Core Asset of the Lumoz Network.

The MOZ token is the native token of the Lumoz network, playing a crucial role in various key areas of the network:

  • All transactions conducted within the Lumoz network require MOZ tokens as transaction fees (Gas).

  • Utilizing the zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) computation and artificial intelligence (AI) services provided by the Lumoz network requires payment of MOZ tokens as resource usage fees.

  • MOZ tokens can be exchanged for esMOZ tokens at a 1:1 ratio to adapt to a wider range of application scenarios.

esMOZ Token: Symbol of Incentives and Participation.

The esMOZ token plays a significant role in the ecosystem of the Lumoz network:

  • As a reward for nodes providing computational power, security, and stability to the Lumoz network (including zkProver and zkVerifier nodes), esMOZ tokens serve as recognition and retribution for participants and contributors.

  • esMOZ tokens are used in the network's staking mechanism, acting as tokens for participating in staking and promoting decentralized governance of the network.

  • esMOZ tokens can be redeemed for MOZ tokens based on different redemption periods, with the redemption rate varying according to the length of the redemption period.

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