Node Tier
Running a Node client as a Node allows you to accept user staking of esMOZ. The amount of esMOZ staked by users will determine the current rank of the Node. Different ranks have varying reward probabilities.The following informational table denotes the amount of staked esMOZ per Node required to lift the licenses within that operator by a given Reward Multiplier (Reward Tier Threshold). It also denotes the associated adjustment to the baseline 1% probability for delegating to participate in a Verification Task (Reward Multiplier):
Tier | Reward Tier Threshold | Reward Multiplier |
Iron | 0 | 0 |
Bronze | 10,000 | 1x |
Silver | 1,000,000 | 1.5x |
Gold | 2,000,000 | 2x |
Platinum | 4,000,000 | 3x |
Diamond | 8,000,000 | 7x |
Iron: The default Tier is the initial level when a Node starts running, with a 0% probability of being selected to participate in validation tasks.
Bronze: When the esMOZ stake reaches 10k, the licenses delegated to the Node have a 1% probability of being selected to participate in validation tasks.
Silver: When the esMOZ stake reaches 1 million, the licenses delegated to the Node have a 1.5% probability of being selected to participate in validation tasks.
Gold: When the esMOZ stake reaches 2 million, the licenses delegated to the Node have a 2% probability of being selected to participate in validation tasks.
Platinum: When the esMOZ stake reaches 4 million, the licenses delegated to the Node have a 3% probability of being selected to participate in validation tasks.
Diamond: When the esMOZ stake reaches 8 million, the licenses delegated to the Node have a 7% probability of being selected to participate in validation tasks.
Last updated