Lumoz deploys a Rollup System Contract (RSC) on each base chain to manage the lifecycle of Rollups on that chain, including registration, suspension, and withdrawal. By leasing a Rollup slot with a certain number of MOZ (Lumoz native tokens), developers can own a ZK-Rollup.

The idea of a Rollup slot is comparable to a slot in Polkadot or an application chain in Cosmos. However, Cosmos' application chain requires maintaining its own consensus layer and cross-chain bridge, presenting substantial security risks. Conversely, ZK-Rollup applies ZK technology, mathematically ensuring the shared consensus and data availability layer between Rollup and the base chain. This method is more secure, more decentralized, and incurs lower maintenance costs.

Upon leasing a Rollup slot, developers gain an independent execution environment, where they can own a unique ZK-Rollup chain. Developers can fully control the ZK-Rollup, and customize its economic model, including the selection of gas tokens. They can freely adjust gas fees, even to zero, thereby exempting users from paying any fees.

Developers are not burdened with any hardware costs. All hardware resources, such as data availability, sequencer, and ZKP computing power, are decentralized and provided by the Modular Compute Layer.

Moreover, native cross-rollup communication can be implemented among different ZK-Rollups on the same base chain. It is a message communication mechanism enabling an address on one rollup to directly interact with a contract on another rollup. This feature significantly addresses the fragmentation of user assets and enhances interoperability between applications.

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