1. Configuring JSONRPC
Configuring JSONRPC in Environment Variables.
Get a RPC of Arbitrum One
Infura as an example.
Get a apikey form infura.
Active the Arbitrum Mainnet
Then you get a rpc https://arbitrum-mainnet.infura.io/v3/{apikey}
Configuring Environment Variables
For Linux/macOS
Open the configuration file:
(For Zsh, use ~/.zshrc instead.)
Add the following line:
Save the file and apply changes:
For Windows
Using the System Settings:
1. Open Environment Variables:
• Press Win + R, type sysdm.cpl, and hit Enter.
• Go to the Advanced tab and click on Environment Variables.
2. Add a New Variable:
• Under User variables or System variables, click New.
• Enter JSONRPC_URL as the name and {your_rpc} as the value.
• Click OK to save.
3. Verify:
• Open a new Command Prompt and run:
Using Command Prompt:
• Close and reopen Command Prompt.
• Run:
Using PowerShell:
• Close and reopen PowerShell.
• Run:
For Docker
Last updated